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13 & up - Wednesday @ 6:30pm



Our Teen Ministries is comprised of a very special group of God-fearing teens. 

They have weekly meetings on Wednesday Evenings where the primary focus is always learning the Word of God. Our Youth Pastor has a unique way of teaching interactively with props, demonstations and games.  


Learning God's Word and cultivating a closer walk / relationship with Jesus Christ is the goal for each teen to attain. Here at Miracle Temple we realize that our kids are not the church of tomorrow, they are the church of today and the future leaders of tomorrow. 


Each teen feels special and welcome here... No matter their appereance, their past, or the present issues. Teens are not perfect, but through Christ and Him alone can they reach perfection through His blood, not by their own works.

Youth Pastor

Charlsey Long




  • 8 out of 10 kids (80%) who are not involved in Bible Quizzing leave the church after High School.


  • 7 out of 10 kids (70%) who participate in Bible Quizzing remain in church. 



With those kind of statistics our Miracle Temple Teen, Youth, & Children Ministries have taken action!

We participate in the Pentecostal Church of God Impact Bible Quizzes, giving us an opportunity to compete against other quiz teams in each age division throuout the Tennessee District (Regionals) and the General Headquarters (Nationals).

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